September 2024 Week 2 Theme Overcoming Exhaustion

This week’s theme is Overcoming Exhaustion (9 of Wands) and we have the III Empress (Creativity) to offer support.

In this episode, I share the monthly spread that I’ve been doing every month for the last 5, almost 6 years!

It’s a simple practice that has been rewarding, insightful and helps me to trust my instincts. Feeling into the energy of the month and harmonizing it with your cycles – lunar, menstrual or otherwise – creates a roadmap of wisdom. Will there be obstacles? Of course, that’s life!

The cards offer tools to navigate the lessons and blessings – even the one’s that come in disguise 😉

And if you want to try this practice for yourself, sign up to grab your free download from my Free Tarot Resources page.

DECK: Rider Waite Smith

The Monthly Spread

We start by shuffling the deck and then choosing a Significator that represents the energy of the entire month. I like to let the Significator “pop out” of the deck. Then I shuffle three times, cut in threes and am ready to deal.

Each week is then represented by 2 cards – 1 is the dominant energy and the 2nd is what can help support it.

We finish off with a #quintessence to discern the undercurrent of the month.

Questions for Contemplation

Gift yourself the opportunity to deepen your practice by meditating on the following questions. Feel free to add your observations to your tarot journal or share them in the comments below. 

  1. What does the Significator card reveal about the overall energy for September?
  2. How can we align ourselves with the energy of the Significator card this month?
  3. What challenges or opportunities does the Significator card suggest we might face in September?
  4. What does the tarot say about overcoming exhaustion in the second week of September?
  5. Are there specific actions we can take to restore our energy during this time?
  6. 6.How can we balance rest and productivity in Week 2?

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