Re-Member Your Inner Wisdom

Hello, beautiful souls! Are you finding yourself repeating the same patterns? Do you strive for change and fail? Are you wondering why you have a hard time finishing even projects you love? Do you wonder if you’ll ever uncover your purpose or mission in life? 


I struggled for years to understand why I simply didn’t have the same stamina or initiative as my Manifesting Generator husband. For years, I considered myself “lazy, procrastinator” and even “Hannah in retrograde” until I discovered my Human Design and unlocked the strategies to manage my energy to fully align with my purpose. 

Hi, I am Hannah Ruhamah, and I am here to inner-spire you to unkink your energy hose and align with your full potential. For over 30 years, I have devoted myself to using my intuition and tarot cards to offer guidance and wisdom for those “who have ears to hear.” If you are ready to bring your full awareness to your patterns with the aim of transformation, then I am ready to offer a mirror for you to fully see what needs to be seen.

When invited, my unique gifts as a Projector allow me to penetrate your aura and guide you to your own well of wisdom. By tapping into your inner self, I can help you grow, and discover your magic right inside of you.

My services include tarot and oracle card readings, Human Design Chart readings, reflection sessions and “inner guidance” counseling.


I’m especially passionate about working with entrepreneurs. As a small business owner myself for the last twenty years and trade association community organizer, I have encountered numerous CEOs and founders who are blocking their own success. Heck, I’ve even done it to myself! And now that I have built my repertoire of tools, there is no turning back! I can only be me – deliciously in alignment and living my true purpose.

Are you ready to embark on your own transformational journey? If so, generate your report at the link below and then book a free 15 minute discovery call and let’s begin unlocking your highest potential. Remember, you are divinely guided, and your greatness is destined to shine!


Gaia Goddess Guidance - DNA Wisdom from Lifetimes of Experience Tarot, Astrology & Human Design Mix and match to customize your strategy & guidance session. Mentorship, coaching & corporate strategy sessions.

Tarot Wisdom Portal

Let the ancient archetypal symbols of tarot evoke the wisdom and guidance you seek. We will use them as a jumping off point to uncover your own truth of the matter.

Human Design Alignment

Uplevel your life by unlocking your unique Human Design and learn to live life in alignment with your Strategy and Authority. These tools will help you tune into your design for harmony and happiness.

Lioness of Love - Intuitive Guidance

Fierce leadership demands courage and love in rhythm to achieve the highest goals we set for ourselves. Hannah's ferocious love will tease out the wisdom inside of you - for you are the gift!

Talking about Hannah

Who Is Hannah Ruhamah?

I was always the weird kid – maybe that’s because we moved a lot or maybe it because we didn’t have TV until I was 10 (active imagination) or probably its just who I am!

I love to dance and sing to the ocean; I love to laugh with the birds and the trees; I love to travel to whisper to the mountains and I especially love to be in service.

“Helpful Hannah” – a blessing and a curse – the insights I share can only be heard by those who seek them. If I share without permission, they are almost always perceived as criticism. I suppose its why I always carry a pack of tarot or oracle cards with me – so that I can be of service and dispense wisdom to anyone who says “yes”. I didn’t understand that it was my way of seeking permission to discuss deep topics.

Then when I learned my Human Design, it immediately made sense and has had a tremendous impact on my life. I continue to decondition and trust my design – I’d love to help you do that too!

If you are grokking my energy, then book an exploratory call to see if we would be a good fit!

Words of Praise

“I got the wonderful opportunity to have several readings with Hannah with her oracle cards. She is a natural healer and being able to pull cards is one of her many gifts. I love how she takes time to connect with you and then pull a message from the universe to provide the exact message you need. I always feel joy and satisfaction from each reading. Highly recommend connecting with Hannah.”
Nicole Scheffler
“It was my first time doing this. I was a little skeptical because of past beliefs, but Hannah was amazing and helped me relax. The cards felt right and confirmed stuff for me. ”
Joe Graham
“The guidance that she channeled was spot on in the readings. Hannah has such a warm presence. Her ability to hold space allows for reflection to dive deeper. Highly recommend Hannah and her readings. The intuitive and intentional care that goes into selecting the right deck, the ability to tap into guidance to channel messages, and the readings themselves are all so natural. I love her ability to connect with the message in a way that resonates. ”
Brianna Sexton